This blog covers the best B2B handbag wholesaler in Europe. 

The handbag has become one of the important accessories of our day-to-day life. In the 1900s, handbags became a trend, and it is actually started out as men's accessory. But today, you can find handbags for both women, men, and even for kids. There are different types of handbags, starting from what looks like a wallet to a folding purse. The most popular handbag types are barrel bag, frame bag, duffel, saddlebag, satchel, bucket bag, baguette bag, doctor bag, backpack purse, folder bag, and more.

There are some online sites that sell different varieties of high-quality handbags in Europe. When purchasing a handbag in Europe, you don't have to worry about two important things - quality and the other one is order delivery. There are also some B2B wholesalers too who sell handbags on a larger scale. But, if you're unable to locate the best B2B handbag wholesaler in Europe, scroll down this web page.

Some of the best B2B handbag wholesalers in Europe are listed below:


· LVT International

· Access wholesale

· Diva's bag

· Cleveland wholesale

· Ferrazzi limited

Now, let's see a short description of all the above mentioned B2B wholesalers in Europe.


LVT International

This company is well known for the production and distribution of handmade bags, clothing, and leather accessories. This company is most appreciated in Europe and Italy. The LVT International company ensures to distribute quality products based on customer needs and requests. To make their products unique, this company allows its customer to customize the logs and labels for their products. 

Access wholesale

Like LVT International, Access Wholesale also does wholesale for handbags, scarves, fashion jewelry, sunglasses, belts, purse, and other ladies' accessories. To contact Access wholesale, visit its official page.

Diva's bag

If you're looking to get high-quality leather products, then Diva's bag will be the right choice. You can purchase high-quality handbags at highly competitive prices from this company. The company frequently updates the availability of the new and old products in order to keep its customers up-to-date with the availability. This company distributes wholesale handbags for more than 40 countries around the world. Visit its official site to learn more about this company.

Cleveland wholesale

This company is one of the valued online wholesale distributors in the UK. It has thousands of happy customers in and around Europe. You can purchase a wide range of high-quality products at affordable prices. Some of the products distributed by this company are Wholesale Pocket Money Toys, Wholesale handbags, and more.

Febrazzi limited

If you're looking to purchase luxury leather bags, then the Febrazzi company will be the right choice. The products sold by this company are designed and manufactured by Febrazzi itself. This company ensures to satisfy customer needs and desires. A huge collection of stylish handbags for both men and women are available on the Febrazzi company's official site.


Handbags speak your personality. Choose the right handbag and be classy.


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